Counselling services

Anxiety Counselling Calgary

If you are struggling with the pain of anxiety, we would like to help you with our anxiety counselling services. Anxiety is treatable, and seeking help from a registered psychologist as soon as possible allows you the greatest chance for recovery.


Reach out to us to book a session today.

What is Anxiety Counselling?

Anxiety counselling, otherwise known as talk therapy, helps people overcome the experience of many forms of anxiety.

Anxiety is normal. It’s something everyone experiences at times. It’s also adaptive. Anxiety is the body’s way of helping you deal with real danger (like allowing you to jump out of the way of a speeding car) or perform at your best (like motivating you to prepare for a big presentation).

If your anxiety response is incongruent with the threat at hand, you may be dealing with excessive anxiety that isn’t normal or healthy. Trust yourself. If it feels wrong, it is, and that’s the best time to seek help.

A man talking to a therapist in an anxiety counselling session in Calgary.

What Causes Anxiety?

Since anxiety is a complex and multifaceted mental health condition, it can arise from a variety of psychological, biological, and environmental factors. Some common causes of anxiety include:

Common Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety can cause numerous symptoms in your heart, mind, and body as it prepares for danger. These sensations are called the fight or flight response, and happen when the body’s natural alarm system is activated to keep your body safe from a real or perceived threat.

Some of the most common symptoms and signs of anxiety include:

A man looking stressed out while sitting on a step with his hands on his head.

The Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

If depression is a sadness disorder, then anxiety is a fear disorder. Anxiety involves being overcome by overwhelming feelings of fear, feeling unsafe, and being out of control in a world that lacks complete safety.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders:

General Anxiety Disorder

General anxiety disorder (GAD) occurs when an individual worries about everyday life events for no reason. People with symptoms of GAD tend to expect the worst—that some catastrophe will happen regarding their health, money, kids, family, work, or activities.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is characterized by an excessive fear of the bodily sensations associated with panic. Panic attacks occur unexpectedly and surprise people with symptoms like a pounding heart, muscle tension, and hyperventilation, which is what tends to be so upsetting. There is often no real danger, which can make panic attacks seem strange.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety is used to describe anxiety that occurs in response to a connection with others or a fear of being in front of others. It may occur when you’re in a situation with another person or even thinking about going to a party, attending a job interview, or walking around on the street.


Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, place, or object with which they have a deep sense of terror. These negative thoughts and feelings often cause a panic attack.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological disorder that occurs when individuals have experienced or witnessed traumatic events such as:
With PTSD, these traumatic experiences get trapped in the memory networks. When our ‘threat system’ is active, the hippocampus doesn’t work so well. It can forget to bring those memories forward in time, which means they are sometimes stored incorrectly. When we remember them, it can feel like they are happening again, causing intense anxiety.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder with an underlying cause of traumatic, unprocessed memories.

For example, finding out a partner has cheated can cause a vicious cycle of obsessions and compulsions where the victim constantly:

How Does Counselling Help with Anxiety?

Therapy for anxiety can help to calm your nervous system, giving you mindfulness techniques and coping strategies that help reassure you that you won’t break down from the perceived threat.

Many people don’t recognize their anxiety for what it is and instead, think there is something “wrong” with them.

When Should You Get Help for Anxiety?

When you feel that it’s time to reach out, that’s when you should get help.

You know when you’re struggling. Recognizing anxious thoughts and behaviours that make you uncomfortable and finding ways to manage those situations differently can help you be in control of your anxiety rather than letting it control you.

A therapist talking to a man in an anxiety counselling session.

Our Approach To Anxiety Treatment

Our therapists, based in Calgary, Alberta, have years of experience and expertise in providing anxiety treatments and psychological services to treat anxiety.

Anxiety therapy options and methods include:

When you talk to a mental health professional about anxiety, they will help you determine the root of your anxiety, help you manage stress in your daily life, and provide anxiety management techniques. Our anxiety therapists can also consult with your doctor if you’d like. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants, anxiety-reducing medications, or beta-blockers to help manage anxiety symptoms.

Get in touch with us today to book your first psychological treatment.

Begin Your Anxiety Recovery Journey Today

Recognizing the physical symptoms of anxiety is the first step toward changing them.

Ask yourself:

This begins your road to recovery.

An anxiety psychologist writing notes in an anxiety counselling session.

Book an Appointment for Anxiety Counselling

If you’re experiencing anxiety, book a counselling appointment. Our Anxiety Counselling is led by highly-trained registered psychologists from our office in Calgary, Alberta.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anxiety is a very natural emotion that most people experience in their everyday life. However, when anxiety becomes persistent, debilitating, and interferes with your daily life, it can indicate an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder is a medical condition that causes excessive and irrational fear or worry.

Anxiety counselling is a proven method for treating various forms of anxiety. However, the effectiveness of the treatment varies from person to person. At Can’t We Just Get Along Counselling, each experienced therapist works hard to ensure your anxiety therapy is tailored to your specific type and severity of anxiety, ensuring you receive the best possible support on your journey to managing anxiety.

If you have gone through the therapy process and believe medication may be helpful for your situation, our registered psychologists can consult with your doctor to ensure it's the best solution for you. If medication is needed, your doctor will prescribe you antidepressants, beta-blockers, or anxiety-reducing medications to help manage your anxiety.

Anxiety and depression are both negative emotional states that can be accompanied by a range of negative body reactions, thoughts, and behaviours.


  • Sadness is the main characteristic of major depression
  • Fear and worry are the main characteristics of anxiety

Both states are nervous system conditions. Depression is experienced as hypo-arousal, whereas anxiety is experienced as hyperarousal.

Mental illness is similar to physical illness in that there are symptoms, a history, triggers, and ways to make it better. Anxiety is no different. During times of stress, most people experience some level of anxiety. But this stress response is curable, and that’s why it’s so important to get help.
Yes, anxiety can come on suddenly. But it can also be low-grade, ongoing hyperactivity of your nervous system that you just can’t shake. Many people with anxiety disorder experience feelings of fear, dread, and trying to feel safe. Discomfort from anticipatory anxiety is also common.

It’s common for many people suffering from an anxiety disorder to go years without a proper diagnosis. Our anxiety psychologists have extensive experience and can help you with a diagnosis and treatment plan to support your unique needs and create long-lasting results. You do not need a referral from a family physician to receive a diagnosis of anxiety.

Yes! Anxiety isn’t a lifelong sentence—it can be treated so that you are free of the often debilitating symptoms. Get in touch with us to book your first session and start your journey to better mental health.

The length of treatment varies depending on the individual. Factors include what you’ve been through and your timing and pace for healing. Psychological healing isn’t so different from physical healing. The heart, mind, and body know their timing, and it’s important to honour these feelings.